How will the increased use of technology influence school furniture design?

Woldingham School ICT Furniture

In order to adapt and overcome the challenges presented by the pandemic, schools invested heavily in technology and software to facilitate remote learning.

With schools now reopen, we believe that many schools are planning to continue utilising this technology within classrooms if they haven’t already, in order to get the most out of their investment and provide students with the best possible learning experience.

This will mean a greater use of technology within the classroom environment moving forward.

With this in mind, what will this mean for school furniture design and the requirements of schools?

We can work with your school to create furniture solutions that will effectively support the increased use of technology within your classrooms, whilst helping to future proof your school.

Independent and collaborative working

An example of this increased use of technology within the classroom could be children using laptops to support independent study, or for research.

This type of work will require desks and workspaces within the classroom that are wide enough to facilitate the use of laptops and other technology.

Collaborative working is popular amongst schools and teachers and therefore schools also require desks that can be moved easily and slot together, to form larger workspaces to facilitate group working.

Alongside independent and collaborative working, it is essential that classrooms have a focal point to help engage with pupils; Teaching Walls provide this solution whilst housing equipment and being modern in design.

Teaching Walls integrate technology such as interactive whiteboards, alongside intelligent storage, allowing teachers to seamlessly deliver lessons using a number of pieces of equipment and create a more interactive and engaging environment for students.


Greater use of technology within the classroom will require greater connectivity, in terms of being ‘plugged in’.

In order to support schools in achieving this, connectivity should be a priority when school furniture design is concerned, such as solutions that integrate charging points and technology safely and securely.

We have had the pleasure of working with a number of schools to create furniture that integrates technology and supports connectivity in the classroom.

Working alongside King Alfred’s School, North London, we manufactured charging units for the Sixth Form Centre, each with a cupboard and two hinged laptop storage and charging sections.

The units were vented and each of the laptop charging openings contained a 13amp socket, all wired inhouse and connected to the fused spurs by the Electrical Contractor for the project.

Storage Furniture

Technology is a costly investment for schools and therefore they require effective storage solutions that can safely and securely house this equipment.

An example of this type of storage is our project with The Downs, Malvern, which saw us manufacture a mobile phone charging unit for their Common Room.

We designed the cupboard with individual pigeonholes to slot the device in, each with a USB charging port. We also ensured it was vented to prevent overheating and damage to the devices.

The unit itself was then all wired together at our manufacturing base and made lockable, providing the students with peace of mind that they could leave their devices to charge, and they would be secure. The school’s electrician then hardwired the unit on our arrival, to ensure adequate power supply for effective charging.

Health & Safety

Finally, with the increased use of technology within the classroom, this will also result in increased health and safety risks.

Schools will require solutions that provide effective cable management, to prevent trips and falls for both students and staff.

Our qualified in house electrician ensures all wiring in-house is undertaken to the best possible standards. We can also ensure all cabling is discreetly concealed and sufficient ventilation is provided to all electrical unit. We can also liaise directly with the School or Building Contractor to ensure sufficient on site provisions for hardwiring.

Technology can help to provide students with a well-rounded learning experience and as schools look to integrate technology more within the classroom and other areas across their school estate, our team is on hand to support you in achieving this through intelligently designed furniture solutions.

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